Parade Rules Regulations

Mega’s Reading Puerto Rican Day Parade


Rules and Regulation


Parade participants must complete a registration application to enter in the Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC) Parade 


  1. Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC)  encourages the parade applications as early as possible. All applications are subject to the sole discretion of Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC).

  2. Applicants are responsible for communicating all rules and regulations to members of his/her organization, group company and/ or entry. Each member of the organization, group, company and/ or entry shall be responsible for reading the rules and regulations associated with the parade.

  3. Any application constructed as a public hazard or likely to cause any unsafe conditions at the

  4. parade route will be denied.

  5. In case of emergency (Fire,Ambulance,Police, etc), all participants shall move to the right side of the street.

  6. Motorized go-carts, mopeds, and bicycles are not permitted except as approved by Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC) upon review of the entrant's application. Any entry violating this  regulation will not permitted to participate in the following year

  7. All entries/ participants are encouraged to reflect the Puerto Rican Culture, exception has to be approved.

  8. All floats and vehicle categories include buses, must be at least 75% decorated. Exception to this rules includes antique/classic cars, school royalty floats/vehicles, Grand Marshall Vehicle, and others approved for the Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC). Signs indicating the organization and theme are encouraged to be displayed on the front or sides of the entry, The Parade Official's decisions regarding adequate decoration will be final if you do not comply with this regulation, you will be removed from the parade.

  9. Entrants may not conduct any type of solicitation.

  10. Due to safety concerns, the throwing of anything from floats or vehicles in the Parade in NOT permitted along the Parade route. Items may be handed out by walking participants  but must be approved by Mega Reading (VP Broadcasting LLC) beforehand,. Any entry violating this regulation will not be permitted to participate in the following year's Parade.

  11. All the Parade participants must stay in the line of march. Do not go into the crowd. The Parade route is narrow, many children and adults sit on the curb, and we do not want anyone to be hurt during the Parade. Any entry violating this regulation will not be permitted to participate in the  following year's Parade.

  12. Power tools, knives, swords, guns, or replicas are not permitted to leave the Parade Route and go into the crowd. Absolutely no firearms or weapons of any kind are permitted on the Parade route. Anyone found with explosive, fireworks or any other exploding will not permitted to participate in the following year's Parade and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law. The only exception to this regulation is for the Police Officers, Police/Military color guards, fire police or other police officers patrolling the Parade route on the  Parade and festival.

  13. Children under (6) six years of age are not permitted to walk in the Parade but may ride on the  float and/ or vehicle, only under the supervision of a responsible adult. All children six years of age and under must be supervised at all times.

  14. All units must be identified by a BANNER so that the spectator can easily see each unit or its sponsor. Identification floats should be in both sides. 

  15. Units may contain no element higher than 16 feet, to provide clearance of overhead wires and traffic lights.

  16. The Parade Officials'  instructions must be followed at all times. Parade officials' decisions are final.

  17. No participants are permitted to consume and/ or possess alcoholic beverages anywhere along the Parade route.

  18. No participants are permitted to smoke or use tobacco products anywhere along the Parade route. 

  19. At the end of the Parade, all materials be taken with you. Leave no trash behind.

  20. Horse Units must provide a Clean Up crew.

  21. Any motorized vehicle required by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to be inspected must have a current inspection sticker and registration card. Registration card must be available upon request of any Parade Official. Only valid licensed drivers shall operate any motorized vehicle being operated along the parade route. The drivers' valid license must be available upon request for any Parade Official.  Further, each motorized vehicle and/or driver participating in the Parade must have valid insurance on the vehicle and/or driver. Valid Insurance cards must be available upon request of any Parade Official. Photocopies of driver's license, registration card, and insurance card must be submitted with the registration application.

  22. Participants are NOT PERMITTED to play obscene or double standard music.  No other radio station except MEGA Reading will be played along Parade route.  Any entry violating this regulation will be BANNED from the parade and will not permitted to participate in the following year.


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